Sunday, May 9, 2010

We're both sitting here with the cursor in the title...

Liz just asked me what to title her blog, not knowing that I was also pondering the same question. Perfect that she inspired the title, because she in fact inspired this post.

Ever since I have known Liz she has put in minimum effort for maximum results in school. Oftentimes I have wondered if my brain is in fact as awesome as hers, but I've always been too scared to test it out. For my entire schooling career I've worked pretty hard in every class. Then comes last semester, and I realize that I can't get everything done, so I've got to slack off in at least one class. I had to take Family Finance, my last required class to finish my HFL degree. I was very bitter about this, having already taken a personal finance class. To add to my bitterness, I absolutely disliked the teacher. The first day of class produced nonstop laughs from over 100 of my classmates while Cory and I sat in awe, trying to figure out why they thought it was funny. Cory dropped the class, realizing that he already knew how to stay out of debt(by selling his electronics) and I was left to suffer alone. I was pretty stable for the first several weeks and then I got 100% on the first test. That's when it hit me. I'm going to be Liz in Family Finance. My attendance dropped to about 30%. I barely studied for the second test and got an 80%. Pulled out a 96% on the final. And a A in the class. Family Finance Liz-style was relaxed, easy, and a little dangerous. I loved every minute of it.

Thank you Liz for being an inspiration in my life. She is now helping me get back to high school Emily, by training me to sleep through her 6 daily snoozes. You're the best!


Liz said...

you already know what i laughed at because you heard me dying up here but that last comment was so laced with sarcasm...
and cory really is selling everything. ridiculous.

Brittany said...

So what the heck...are you roomies now? And oops, sorry you didn't know about Brandon. I guess I just assume that mom spreads all the news.