Monday, May 24, 2010


I've had weird feelings about Asians since high school. Well maybe before that, but this is the earliest I can remember. I went to a good school and they flocked to it. Or maybe it became a good school because they flocked to it. Chicken or egg? Not sure. Anyways, they are smart. Fact. And I had to try to keep up with them for many years. It was a competitive relationship. We talked and laughed with each other, but underneath it all we wished the other would just back off so we could keep our spot in the top 5%. Frenemies.

I thought it was over once I left high school and began attending the Whitest University in the U.S. But alas, they have followed me. Thank you Asians for reading and commenting on my blog. I have no idea who you are, and most of the time I don't know what you're saying, but it's about time you were acknowledged. Someday I'd like to know who you all are and why/how you find my blog interesting. Am I in fact famous in China!? Don't tell me yet. Let's keep the secret alive because really, I'm probably being used in some SEO scheme.


Liz said...

top 5%...
you are so elitist

Brittany said...

Jigga SEO..what the? That would be amazing if you were famous in Asia and were unaware...something like the Truman Show! I laughed so hard when I saw you had a Chinese comment again on your last blog!

Jack said...

The fact that you know what SEO is kind of impresses me. Not going to lie.

Emily Brooke said...

haha. sadly the asians didn't flock to this blog, but I did get a "jigga" out of Brittany. Thanks for making me look even more impressive by having no idea what that is!