I'm a little crazy right now. Sometimes this happens. For whatever reason I start acting like a little child. I think it means that I'm really happy. Who knew this would happen after the first day of school?! This morning I was NOT excited to go. However, this evening I have a new outlook on things. The beginning of fall has been rejuvenating to say the least:
1. After a week + of deep cleaning I am now living in the cleanest, largest, and most home-like place I have ever lived. I think I will stay here for the rest of my Provo days. Shocking I know. I've never lived anywhere for more than a year.
2. There are always a million people here. This is a fantastic thing because there is so much room that no one feels crowded and we can ENJOY each other.
3. The bed is STILL delivering for me.
4. Due to several factors including horrendous levels of stress last year, a granola "friend", and the start of a new year I've decided to be healthier. I need to get back those years I shaved off of my life last year. I'm off to a good start with healthy food, working out, and a lighter class load. I'm still working on the sleeping...there's just so many fun things to do!
5. Linx is getting married!!
6. I got to dance tonight. 5 songs. Packed room. Good company.
7. Several dinner groups are in the works. Let us recall how I made lifelong solid friendships with Cody and Cory via dinner group...good things will come.
8. I saw three of my favorite people on campus today...what are the odds?
9. I read a wonderful book this weekend and have several more waiting on my bookcase!
10. Liz answered my video chat from the next room.