Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'll be holding a red rose

Welp. Back to school. I feel like I am at a different school this year. Why? I'm in art classes which are a comPLETEly different ball game. Crazy long classes that are actually fun. Linx is here which makes me feel like I'm at home. Also, I am a Senior? Technically I've already been one for a while and unfortunately I will continue to be one for a while so its not that exciting, but I feel old. There are so many fetuses running around this school and I can spot them a mile away. It is hilarious to me how many people are on this campus the first week of school. It really does feel like 30,000+ people and their babies. It is a bit overwhelming but I keep reminding myself that in another week the slackers won't go to class, the overacheivers will be camping out in the library, and the rest of us will have free reign of Provo.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the BYU Book Exchange let me explain the situation. BYU has set up a website where you can post books for sale and then search for books you want to buy, a Craig's List of sorts. I have a bunch of books that I wanted to keep so I didn't sell them back to the bookstore, but desperate times have forced me to sell them. This is probably for the best because realistically I would never use them again. Anyways, I posted them on the Book Exchange. The best part of this situation is not the money, but the completely awkward phone calls and meetings that follow. In the past I have had to call to buy books from others. I swear that every time I've done this the seller is named Alex or some other name that gives me no idea of their gender until I am surprised by their voice. Once we get past the weirdness of figuring out why one is calling, the meeting is set up. These are eerily similar to meeting a blind date at a random location. You try to describe yourself or what you will be wearing. On Monday I had three "dates" set up. I was selling off my HFL books so they were all girls. This time I just went with the classic "I will be holding the book". However, each time I just wanted to be Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail with a book AND a rose. Once we find each other there is this awkward small talk about the class, the book, etc. and then some goodbye that is like: "Enjoy the class" which really means, "Welp, I'll never see you again!" However, this was not the case on Monday. After I sold my first book I immediately met the next buyer and in the middle of our exchange my first date walked by, I felt like I had cheated on her...

I'd like to thank the book exchange for all the awkward conversations and encounters it has provided me with.

1 comment:

Angelle said...

Ha ha! You described that horrible blind date feeling so well. It made me happy the book exchange wasn't around when I was there...oh wait as I glance at my bookcase full of old expensive it while you can.