This week was rough. Last night I analyzed my dead lifeless body: red, stinging eyes, headache, weak shakiness and general tiredness. Then I realized. This is Project Body. Throughout my life I have encountered several kinds of "body". Each is a result of extreme conditions and causes several physical and mental changes.
2. Peaks body: discovered that summer that I went to Seven Peaks several times a week. Symptoms: Calloused back, sunburned skin, and a zen-like calm.
3. Project body: discovered my sophomore year of college. Symptoms: all of those previously mentioned as well as an urge to listen to Queen and a difficulty communicating with others (including via blog).
4. Moving body: discovered the day I moved out of my apartment Junior year and had to attend Liz's "after graduation" picture session. Symptoms: Sweaty, dirty, sticky, disgusting.
5. Patch body: discovered the first time I worked a couple of 12 hour days at the Flower Patch for Valentine's Day. Symptoms: tiredness, delirium, and hands that take several weeks to heal from thorns, etc.
6. Warehouse body: discovered my summer in the fabric warehouse. Symptoms: dry pastey skin, extensive paper cuts, fibers of fabric EVERYWHERE, and an extensive knowledge of the top 40 songs of the summer.
In merely 5 days I will be focusing on achieving Vacation body. Symptoms: 3,000 calorie/day diet, excessive card playing, and NO RESPONSIBILITY.
LOL. I hope I can help you achieve the vacation body. But watch out...last time we played carumba I was ON FIRE!
You forgot Pom body!! Severely bruised and sore...but ripped ;)
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