Wednesday, March 10, 2010

He was wearing a hat!

It's funny how the longer you live, the more you learn about yourself. I feel like I'm just starting to scratch the surface of who I am. The most recent discovery I've had is that I seem to have a problem internalizing faces. Allow me to explain. Once I meet someone, I will for sure recognize them when I see them. I'm great with names and I remember people that often don't know I exist. However, if asked to think of what someone looks like in my head...nothing.

Still not sure what's going on? Allow me to continue. This problem has slowly surfaced this year with men. On several occasions I have answered the door when a guy has come to pick up Linx for a date. We all know the two reasons for this: #1a. If possible you should never open the door yourself for a date and #2b. Your friends need as much face time as possible in order to form an opinion. Linx is continuously frustrated with me when she returns and asks me "Do you think he's cute?" And honestly I have no response...I can't remember what he looks like! The other night I hung out with her and a guy in the loft for a good hour. The next day she asked me what I thought about his looks. She wasn't even surprised when I told her I wasn't sure what he looked like. It was dark okay!

Low lighting, hats, short amounts of time, lots of pressure to form an opinion. All of these things cause me to freak out and forget that I should be looking them in the face! But then I had a realization that was down right scary. I went on a date with a kid last weekend. I had previously spent a lot of time with him pre-date. We spent about 7 hours together on the date, just the two of us. For a good hour I was even sitting across from him looking at his face, deep in conversation. It was only dark for about half of the time. The other day, after suspecting I had a problem, I tried to imagine what he looked like in my head. I HAVE NO IDEA. Part of the problem is that he reminds me of someone, so I can only imagine what that guy looks like. I confessed this to Linx. She rolled her eyes. Apparently it shouldn't matter that he was wearing a hat.


Brittany said...

That is a little strange. Especially about the guy you just went on the date with. I on the other hand don't remember ANYONE's name. It is quite a problem.

Linx said...

i dont get it! hats don't even cover your face!! how am i ever supposed to get feedback?

Liz said...

use the rest of us